In this podcast we chat to JP Horne, who has been on the forefront of public sector innovation within the public sector for the last 20 years. His experience spans both spectrums of this sector, having serviced government while working for Microsoft and Oracle Corporation - as well as within the belly of the public-sector beast at the City of Cape Town.

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In this podcast we chat to Christelle van de Merwe, whose presentation was around scaling the customer experience through technology. Christelle Van de Merwe is the Global Director of Customer Innovation and Transformation at Mimecast. Prior to this, Christelle’s passion for CX originated at the University of Cape Town with a Bus Sci Degree in Marketing and then many years in the telco industry, including Cell C and Virgin Mobile. The focus has been on translating the subjective concept of customer experience into a scientific, objective process by mapping the customer journey and providing scoring opportunities at each juncture. Her focus now is on optimisation and exploring different approaches to embrace Customer Success as an outcome.

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The Futurology team bring us interviews from the CX (Customer Experience) Innovation & Tech Fest held in Johannesburg. Artificial Intelligence is the future of the business-technology landscape. It’s not good enough to just have a strategy and plan to use AI in your business, it’s important about how well it is executed, what is the impact of AI on consumers, business and our way of life today and into the future. Joe Fuster is Global Head of Customer Experience Cloud at Oracle.

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The Futurology team bring us interviews from the CX (Customer Experience) Innovation & Tech Fest held in Johannesburg. Human trust is undergoing its most significant transformation in history. Money is the second most important societal construct after language and is currently undergoing its biggest transformation. Beyond money, this will fundamentally change contracts and creative work, leaving no business untouched... leading some prominent computer scientists to call the blockchain a more significant invention than the internet itself. Simon Dingle is a designer at Phantom Design.

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