Timothy Maurice explores how sports impacts on a nation's identity with Theo Garrun, Editor of the Saturday Star School Sport Supplement. In the Cyber Health Byte, Rianette Leibowitz from SaveTNet, shares some of the insights gained from the 2016 Automotive Future Now Report by The Innovation Group. The Internet of Things brings new demands from consumers and we ask what cars and dealerships will look like in the future.

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Timothy Maurice investigates the legal side of building your personal brand, from contracts, to copyrighting and all the admin of sustaining your influence with guest 'The Fashion Lawyer' Sumaiya De'Mar. In the Cyber Health Byte, Rianette Leibowitz from SaveTNet shares more about a survey done by ASUS, which shows that Millennials value convenience, quality time and unique experiences more than acquisition of material goods.

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Timothy Maurice looks at the 4 G-spots of transforming your life - shifting your environment and why it changes your life. Joining him for this discussion is Author, Kate Emmerson. Then, in the Cyber Health Byte, Rianette Leibowitz from SaveTNet talks about Safer Internet Day #SID2016 and shares more about how to "Play your part for a better Internet" and looks at campaigns such as the Web Rangers in partnership with Media Monitoring South Africa, Google SA and the Film & Publication Board.

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Making Neuroscience simple with Neuroscientist Dr Tara Swart from MIT. Find out how Neuroscience can empower leaders. Dr Swart is the author of ‘Neuroscience for Leadership’. In The Cyber Health Byte, Rianette Leibowitz from SaveTNet introduces the ethical dilemma concept and looks at user behaviour shaping history.

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Build a powerful personal brand using the world's top sales strategies with sales guru Bill Gibson, giving you the knowledge and skills to achieve more in your personal, social and professional life...

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Timothy Maurice puts the focus on building a brand in an era of social complexity. Also, not to be missed is Rianette Leibowitz from SaveTNet, sharing important tips to enhance your LinkedIn profile. Perhaps your New Year’s resolutions include finding a new job or aiming for that promotion? Let Rianette show you how.

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Timothy gives you a personal branding recap and trends for 2016 with special guest – Farah Fortune. In the Cyber Health Byte, Rianette Liebowitz gives you reasons to take a digital detox during this holiday...

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Timothy Maurice looks at how joy impacts on our relationships, our health, perspective, finances, career growth and more! His special guest is Justin Cohen. In the Cyber Health Byte, Rianette Leibowitz shares predictions made by Kaspersky Lab for the new year and tips on how businesses and individuals should prepare to meet the cyber-risks of 2016.

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How can the film industry elevate a country's identity? Timothy Maurice answers this question with director, Lazlo Bene and actress, Sandi Schulz, of the upcoming film ‘Assignment’. In the Cyber Health Byte, Rianette Leibowitz shares tech trends to be thankful for, such as the USB-C solution, which should help us all to give a sigh of relief.

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How socially conscious brands change the way we see society. Special guest Pearl Thusi discusses her brand collaboration that aims to raise social consciousness around healthy female identities.

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