Taz Falconer is a part-time aerial circus performer, model, and fitness enthusiast with a full-time career in fashion retail. Arye finds out more about her and her healthy lifestyle.

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Charlie Scaturro wrote a piece on Medium.com called 'The Inevitability of Facing Ourselves'. Live from Brooklyn, New York, he takes Arye Kellman through some of what the article entails.

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She is a mother, musician and entrepreneur who just launched her own record label called Fresh Money Family Productions. This of course is Mshoza who is back on the music scene after a long break. Arye has a one-on-one chat with her.

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Columnist and senior editor for Mediaite.com J.D. Durkin joins Arye live from New York City to fill him in on what's been going on on his side of the world where politics and other things are concerned.

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Young Creative Bokang Lehabe was one of the emerging creatives out at the 2016 Design Indaba in Cape Town, Arye checks in with him to see what he has been up to since then.

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She is a banker, triathlete and a global traveller. Arye checks in with the very cool Annah Watkinson who talks about participating in Iron Man.

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In this #Kellman on CliffCentral Women's Day special, Arye Kellman invites Hlubi Mboya, Karabo Moletsane, Catherine Bothma and Nomzamo Mbatha to speak with a group of young women about the importance of female empowerment as they share their personal stories of hardships, pain and success.

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Endocrinologist at Life Fourways Hospital, Dr Sundeep Ruder, informs Arye on the importance of cutting out sugar and other unhealthy foods.

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Mirah Curzer from New York wrote an article on Medium.com titled 'Let’s Stop Talking So Much About Privilege'. She takes Arye Kellman through what her thought process was while writing the piece.

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Safaraaz Sindhi is a Senior Copywriter at Ogilvy & Mather in Cape Town. Arye talks to him about the Loeries, as well as his job as a copywriter.

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