150706 kellman the big interview katlego mohoaduba

Katlego Mohoaduba is best know for taking part in Big Brother Mzansi Season 3 in 2014 where she made it right up until the final. More recently she was nominated as one of the top 12 finalists for Mzansi’s Sexiest Celeb 2015. However what everyone wants to know about is the story behind her sudden and dramatic departure from the reality TV show Diski Divas, which involved an on-air radio fight that turned physical, a dramatic meeting with producers as well as a court case to top it all off. Katlego doesn’t hold back with Arye Kellman and reveals all the sordid details, she also divulges information about her love life, financial status and future plans.

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#Kellman – The Big Interview with Katlego Mohoaduba