This week’s focus in our Getting To Know feature is The Techie Guy – Liron Segev. The Talking Tech host was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, moved to South Africa and now runs an IT consulting company, so as such a great wealth of knowledge; we sat down with him knowing there’s so much to learn from this award-winning innovator.


Thanks for taking time for us, Liron. From motherboards to megabytes, some of this jargon can be a bit confusing so let’s keep it simple first – what does ‘technology’ mean to you?
Technology is enablement. Enabling us to be connected, have information at our fingertips and enabling us to make better, faster decisions and learn.

You’ve been in this industry for over 15 years and that’s no easy feat. What would you have to say has been the highlight of your career so far?
Winning both local and international awards for my blog and being able to present the Talking Tech show on These are affirmations which help me stay motivated and focused.

Keeping it home-brewed though, how techno-savvy is South Africa?
Semi. There are those who are not afraid to play/experiment and use technology – regardless of age. Yet there are still those who think they will push one button and it will all explode. We need to get over that!

Let’s be honest for a second, how far are we from having robots helping us around the house and flying cars?
We are not – already we have robots helping us around the house such as robotic vacuum cleaners. Flying cars are a way away, but self-driving cars are around the next digital corner.

What are the three items of technology you can’t live without?
Mobile phone (obviously), data for internet access and GPS.

What is the most useful app you have?
Beyond email, my social media apps – Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Android, iOS or Windows?
Android, because I like the flexibility it gives me and the ability to change anything on my phones

Finally, here’s the golden question: Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak?
Oh right – we need both Jobs and Wozniak to get anything done.


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Getting To Know: Liron Segev