Kim Sanssoucie and Lowena Waries have sparked our line-up with their comedic, relevant and thought-provoking shows that they have dubbed ColouredIn. These two never fail to serve up their take on a wide range of topics: From sisterhood to sidechicks, politics to problems with your partners even nudity to networking!


We recently asked our lovely ladies a series of questions to get to know them better and here’s what they had to say:

What’s your full name?
L: Lowena Linray Waries
K: Kim Clare Sanssoucie

How old are you?
L: 27
K: 29

Where did you grow up?
L: Ocean View, Cape Town
K: The Bluff, Durban

What’s your favourite high school memory?
L: My clique! The lunches together, netball matches away and the social outfits that we coordinated.
K: Being in Grade 8 and being cast in our school’s annual theatre production and then winning the Best Supporting Actress Award. Also, all trips to the boys’ school for socials was always fun…haha! (She went to an all-girls school)

Where do you currently work?
L: Brand Manager for Vuzu, VUZU AMP and Channel O
K: CEO & Founder of live performance production company Slice Bean Machine, actress/writer

What do you love the most about Johannesburg?
L: The inexplicable feeling that you can become whatever you want!
K: The vibrant energy of the people and the beautiful summer storms

What’s your ideal night out?
L: Good company, drinks and wearing something tight.
K: Craft beer, underground music and fashionable & interesting company somewhere in Braamfontein or Maboneng

Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City?
L: Sex and The City
K: Definitely Sex and the City. I’m a huge fan!

Which celebrity would you love to party with?
L: Rihanna
K: Kate Moss, the original bad girl.

What’s your favourite item of clothing?
L: Denim shorts
K: I prefer to be naked but if I had to choose, a vintage kimono jacket that was my mom’s in the 80s


Check out some of ColouredIn’s previous podcasts below:

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Getting To Know: ColouredIn