Road accident statistics are notoriously high in South Africa and particularly over the December period, the number of accident victims increases significantly. With the holidays looming, Gareth Cliff chats to representatives from the Road Accident Fund (RAF), which is in place to assist us in the event of an accident, about their proposed new scheme called the Road Accident Benefit Scheme. This scheme has come under fire due to several shortcomings that are yet to be addressed. Gert Nel (Senior Partner at Gert Nel Attorneys; Specialist in personal injury and Road Accident Fund Attorney), Ngoako Mohlaloga (APRAV Advisor on Stakeholder Relations) and Lindy Langner (Panel Attorney for the RAF; Member of the Personal Injury Committee of the Law Society of South Africa) weigh in on this insightful discussion.


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#GCS 30.11.15 Pt3