16.07.19 Pt 2 – It’s all fun and games at an amusement park, until a ride kills people… Leigh-Ann has you covered on that news story, and so much more. Have you heard of involuntary celibate people? Siya has the details on that. Gareth’s new fascination is a turbine-powered hoverboard that could be the new mode of transport in congested cities. Lawyer and host of Guncast, Martin Hood explains the positive judgement the South African Arms and Ammunition Dealers Association (SAAADA) has received in their High Court matter against the National Commissioner of the South African Police Services. Lastly, EB-5 expert Dan Wycklendt from FirstPathway Partners talks about your options for emigration to the United States through investment.



A 'Back to the Future' dream realised


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A ‘Back to the Future’ dream realised