Imagine leaving your doctor after receiving the dreaded news that you have cancer. The sinking feeling, the anxiety, the loneliness of that moment. If it hasn’t happened to you, then chances are that it has happened to someone you know and love. Some people don’t have to imagine. It’s gut-wrenching, terrifying, too much to bear. But you don’t have to go through this alone.

If there was a podcast you could listen to privately, in your own time… an unfolding series of wise words from people who have been down that road before, and experts to tell you what’s going on, what you can expect and what you can do about it, you’d perhaps feel empowered enough to face up to the challenge armed with all the information and help you need.

Together with Discovery, we have launched a first-of-its-kind podcast series on oncology to give people who are diagnosed with cancer a way of navigating the difficult journey ahead. Hosted by Sonia Booth, with world-class experts like Dr Carol Benn, survivors and practical advice, anyone will feel like they got more than just a few minutes with their doctor after listening to this series.

It was visionary of Discovery to do something unexpected like this – and reach people in their own time, on their own device, at a time most relevant for them – but this is the way of the future. It makes a powerful statement about the way people are changing their consumption of content and an altogether different way for brands to add value to people’s lives and show empathy for their situation rather than pushing advertising messages.

Pass this link on to the people who need it the most, and help them on their journey to remission and empowerment.



Helping you to Understand Cancer