“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon.
What do people say about YOU when you’re not there to hear them? Hlubi and Gareth talk to Donna Rachelson, author of Branding and Marketing YOU, and Thebe Ikalafeng, Chairman of Brand Leadership Group about the correct formula for developing a high impact personal brand, the role trust plays in a personal brand, and why and what those that stand out do differently.


Future CEOs LeaderEx Career Masterclasses CliffCentral Mercedes Benz Contemporary Events Accenture - Personal Brand - Thebe Ikalafeng Donna Rachelson Branding and Marketing YOU


Future CEOs LeaderEx Career Development CliffCentral Gareth Armstrong Hlubi Mboya intro slido


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#LeaderEx2015 – Develop A High Impact Personal Brand