The Academy Awards may be over but two things that are continuing are Leonardo DiCaprio’s celebrations and the laughs. We still can’t get over some of the hilarious tweets that surfaced after The Revenant actor’s Oscar win.

Here are a few that made us LOL the most:


Aubre Dean tweeted what we all were noticing about Leo’s reaction…


One viewer couldn’t really pay attention…


Someone else had their unconventional reasons as to why Leo deserved the award…


Nick Taylor spared a moment of thought to his exes…


And so did Leah Harmon Rhodes…


Cole Ledford saw the humorous side to the powerful message in Leo’s acceptance speech…


Josh Waidley had a very sarcastic remark…


Finally, Brandon Hynes had some advice on how Leo should have owned the moment on stage…


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Funniest reactions to Leo’s win